Ask the Officiant

As a recent newlywed and long time member of the wedding community both as an officiant and as wedding photographer, I have quite a few years of experience and lots of tips and tricks when it comes to making a wedding personal. All that experience has left me with quite a few insights when it comes to the wedding planning process.

I happen to be the one friends and family come to when they get engaged and want to plan a unique and personal celebration. I’ve always been happy to lend a hand where I can, so that gave me an idea. Why not add a new section to my blog, sort of have a way to answer those questions most couples ask through the planning process. After all, most people haven’t planned a wedding.

To start off my new series, Ask the Officiant, I’m going to talk about a topic that is front of mind for a lot of brides, grooms, couples, parents, and more. A question that gets the ball rolling on everything else, no not that question, not “Will You Marry Me?” but the one that often comes next. “How many people should we invite to the wedding?”

How Many People Should we Invite to Our Wedding?

This is a really great question and one I’ve had to think about a lot over the last few years.

When my husband and I got engaged back in August of 2018, once the newness of the moment turned into actually talking about our wedding, along with possible dates, guest count was one of the first things we talked about. We both loved the idea of an extremely intimate wedding, but knew our family and friends would be really excited we were finally going to say, “I Do” and they might want to be there.

You see my husband was a confirmed bachelor, his friends and family expected it to stay that way. For me, I had been married once before but that was an elopement where my parents and brother were present due to the circumstances at the time. The truth is, I had never imagined getting married again, so idea of Mehul and I getting married was really exciting!

Non-denominational wedding Reverend Carla during rooftop proposal Chicago wedding officiant

Photograph by the talented Ez Powers Photography who captured this blissful moment for us!

As we began to talk about our wedding, guest count was one often at the forefront of the conversation. Despite wanting something intimate, the idea of not celebrating with the people that mean the most to us. Both my husband and I come from larger families, with an even larger circle of friends that are like family, we call them framily.

When it comes to answering this important question, there really is no right or wrong, only what is right for you.

Basking in that just engaged joy! Photograph by Ez Powers Photography

With engagement season in full swing, the Facebook wedding planning groups tend to have a a lot of similar questions that pop up. A question that has come up a lot since Thanksgiving is “How many people should we invite to our wedding?”


A Couple of Accountants and a microwedding at RPM Seafood Chicago


An honor of a lifetime