What if we want to include family and friends in our ceremony?

Do it!!!

I am 100% for including special family and friends in your ceremony!

With over twenty years experience as a professional wedding officiant, I have seen first hand how involving family and friends in a wedding ceremony can add a special level of intimacy and meaning to the event. While it is common to have a family member or friend act as the officiant, there are other ways to incorporate loved ones into the ceremony.

There are many ways to include those VIPS! In this blog post, I will share five ways to include family or friends in a wedding ceremony that do not involve officiating.

  1. Readings or Poems - A popular way to involve loved ones in the ceremony is to have them read a poem or a passage from a favorite book. This can add a personal touch to the ceremony and make it more meaningful. The readings can be chosen by the couple or by the family members or friends themselves, and can be a reflection of the couple's values or beliefs.

  2. Unity Rituals - A unity ritual is a symbolic act that represents the joining of two individuals in marriage. This can include lighting a unity candle, pouring sand into a unity vase, or tying a knot together. Involving family or friends in the unity ritual can add a special touch to the ceremony and create a lasting memory for everyone involved.

  3. Music - Including family or friends in the music of the ceremony can add a personal touch to the event. This can include having a family member or friend sing a special song or play an instrument during the ceremony. The music can be chosen by the couple or by the family member or friend, and can be a reflection of the couple's relationship or their shared interests.

  4. Giving Away - The tradition of a father giving away his daughter at a wedding is a common one, but it doesn't have to be limited to just fathers and daughters. Any family member or friend can give the couple away, including mothers, grandparents, siblings or even children. This can add a special moment to the ceremony and can be a way to honor the importance of the relationships in the couple's lives.

  5. Ring Bearers or Flower Girls, Jr. Ushers or Jr. Wedding Party - Including children in the wedding party can be a fun and special way to involve family or friends. This can include having a family member or friend's child serve as a ring bearer or flower girl. It's a great way to include the younger generation in the wedding festivities and create a memorable moment for everyone involved.


After 25 years of love, joy, and happiness, it's time to make it official.


A Winter Wedding at The Bridge Lemont